Fine dinning for wild birds!

Our birdseed is the best in town and we can prove it.

Here at Wild Birds Unlimited we pride ourselves in having the best birdseed in town. Our blends are made of 100% edible food, and contain no cereal grains or fillers. Also our blends are formulated regionally to best suit the needs of our birds in this area. Seed is delivered weekly to insure that it is always the freshest and never sits on the shelf for months on end such as in some big box stores. Our Certified Bird feeding Specialists are always happy to help you pick out the best birdseed for your backyard and if you are ever unhappy with a bag then we will gladly take it back and swap it out for something else. (some exclusions apply)

Our Favorite Blends

Choice Blend

Ingredients: Oil Sunflower, Sunflower Chips, Stripe Sunflower, Shelled Peanuts, Safflower.

Choice Blend is exactly what it's called, our "choice" blend. Great for all types of feeders it brings in a large variety of birds during any seasons. Mostly high oil-content sunflower seeds and NO FILLERS, the birds love this blend. And oh the peanuts! Woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches, wrens and titmice go bonkers for peanuts! Even the normally bug eating bluebirds will feast on the shelled sunflowers in this blend. Expect to attract cardinals, goldfinches, blue jays, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, wrens and many more.

No-Mess No Millet

Ingredients: Shelled Sunflower, Tree nuts

Every wonder where they came up with the phrase "eat like a bird"? Birds are messy! No- Mess is just the solution. People feeding on decks or over flower beds usually aren't too happy about all the weeds and left over shells associated with bird feeding. With only shelled sunflower and nuts to hunt through, birds are less likely to scatter seed to search for that one type they are oh so desiring. Also this blend won't grow. As a bonus goldfinches and bluebirds prefer seeds already shelled. Expect to attract all your favorite birds still, but with no mess.